• Address: 361 Newbury Street, Suite 423, Boston MA 02115

Earl LaMont Avery, EdD

Dr. Earl LaMont Avery's Experience

Dr. Earl LaMont Avery graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and earned a Master’s and a Doctorate from Harvard University. 

Dr. Avery was responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive range of campus-wide diversity initiatives, including off-site diversity retreats for faculty, staff, and students. In addition, he co-taught a Management Department course, “Managing Diversity in the Workplace,” and a combined literature/Management course entitled, “Local and Global Narratives: Building Intercultural Competence in Management.” He also spent over 25 years as the Ombudsman for Bentley and served a few years as the Ethics Officer.

He was a contributing author. Teaching Diversity, Josey Bass Publication. Dr. Avery also co-authored “Mind Yourself: Using Metacognition to Engage in Difference and to Deepen Learning,” the International Journal of Diverse Identities.