• Address: 800 Boylston St., 16th Floor, Boston, MA 02166

John Sims, Jr., MBA

John Sims, Jr.'s Experience

John Sims, Jr., MBA is President & C.E.O. of the management consulting A.J.S. Consulting Company L.L.C. (A.J.S.). The firm has three practice areas, Private Sector corporations, Not-For-Profit organizations, and Relationship Management practice. Additionally, A.J.S. has a patent pending for an apparatus that assists elementary school teachers in defending themselves and their students in Active Shooter situations. He is currently negotiating with several manufacturers and hopes to present his business plan to investors later this year.

He is the Former Co-Chair Homeland Security Science & Technology Advisory Council (H.S.S.T.A.C.). He led the council, which supported Reggie Brothers, Ph.D. Under-Secretary Homeland Security Science & Technology, who reported to Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security. As former Executive Director, External Relations for Academic Affairs at Bentley University, John coordinated all external relations originating from the Office of the Provost, Academic Affairs, the Dean’s Council, alumni, and corporate relations. He served as a liaison with other units throughout the University.

In addition to his academic credentials, John has over 20 years of experience in the private sector at several high-technology companies: General Electric, Digital Equipment, Eczel / Crown Zellerbach, and Data General.   His work was far-reaching and encompassed a spectrum of functional areas, including applied technology applications, aircraft engines, steam & diesel locomotives, scientific lab computations, fault-tolerant banking systems, international financial consolidations & eliminations, transportation & logistics, and health care administration systems.  John and Roy Wiggins, Ph.D. authored the book, University Advancement: A Concept for Cultivating Entrepreneurial Alumni.

He holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a B.S. in Education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.